Mr. Changdae Oh | Foundation Models | Best Researcher Award

Mr.Changdae Oh, University of Seoul, South Korea

Changdae Oh is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Seoul, South Korea, under the guidance of Prof. Jiyoung Jung and co-advisor Prof. Kyungwoo Song. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from the same institution, with a brief hiatus due to military duty. Changdae has showcased his expertise as a Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, where he collaborated on projects related to robust fine-tuning methods and multi-lingual language modeling. His research projects span various domains, including AI on the edge with robotics, education content relationship analysis, and epidemiological relevance evaluation technology. Changdae has contributed to patent-pending innovations in robust AI model training and general AI model training. He has received numerous awards and scholarships for his outstanding academic achievements and research contributions. Changdae’s commitment to the academic community is evident through his service as a conference reviewer and student volunteer. His coursework reflects a strong foundation in statistics, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.

Professional Profile:


Google Scholar


đź“š Education

  • M.S. in Artificial Intelligence, University of Seoul, South Korea (Mar. 2022 – present)
    • Advisor: Prof. Jiyoung Jung (co-advisor: Prof. Kyungwoo Song)
  • B.S. in Statistics, University of Seoul, South Korea (Mar. 2016 – Feb. 2022)
    • Absence of two years due to military duty

🔬 Research & Projects

  • Robust Fine-Tuning of Visual Foundation Models at Carnegie Mellon University (Sep. 2023 – Jan. 2024)
  • Exploring Prompt Engineering for RNN-based Language Models at Carnegie Mellon University (Sep. 2023 – Dec. 2023)
  • Education Contents Relationship Analysis with Multimodal Learning at University of Seoul (Dec. 2022 – Aug. 2023)
  • Epidemiological Relevance Evaluation Technology for Vaccination Reactions at University of Seoul (Dec. 2022 – Aug. 2023)

👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, University of Seoul, Korea
    • Statistical Methodology (Mar. 2023 – Jun. 2023)
    • Foundations of Data Analysis (Mar. 2022 – Jun. 2022)
    • AI Mathematics (Oct. 2021 – Dec. 2021)

🏆 Awards & Scholarships

  • DEI Scholarship Travel Awards, CVPR (Apr. 2023)
  • Outstanding Paper Awards, University of Seoul (Feb. 2023)
  • Student Travel Awards, KDD (Jul. 2022)
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of Seoul (Feb. 2021)

Publication Top Notes:


Mr.Changdae Oh | Foundation Models | Best Researcher Award

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